Monday, August 18, 2008


Okay, it's not Friday, but flashing back nonetheless. I have been sporadically digging through old pics and trying to get them all scanned. Here is one - it's a fav for sure!

Todd was working on the set of Pool Hall Junkies in 2000 as a production assistant. I was visiting the family and got to stop by and meet one of my crushes. Yep, you guessed - The Ricker (that's Mister Rick Schroeder to you)! I have always been a huge fan and he was between NY PD Blue seasons. I love him. Not in a creepy-psycho-stalker way, but in the not-creepy-because-I'm-cute kind of way.


The Amazing Mumfords said...

AH! Ricky Schroeder touched you! I can't believe you never told me that! That is HUGE! I've loved him since Silver Spoons. Lucky!

The Ellington's said...

I know, right? Are you jealous? j/k!

Brenda said...

Ricky Schroeder?? Woah! But, I would have thought he was a little taller.....hmmm. =) No offense, but you are a shorty! ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Ugh!!!! The photo doesn't enlarge!!! Wow, I'm SO jealous!
