Thursday, April 24, 2008


Okay, I made this one up on my own, but the same rules apply as with any tag. I got this idea from a request a friend of mine sent me.

Name three of your favorite things in your closet, who makes it, where you got it, and why you like it so much:

1. Halter Dress by BCBG from Bloomingdales in TX. I got it while going to the Duck's wedding and realized I didn't bring a dress for the rehearsal dinner, duh. It's my favorite because I wore it then and all through out my pregnancy, and wear it now - it is spand-aculous!

2. Strappy sandals by Michael Kors from Michael Kors store. I love the color of the shoes, which is a yellowish champaign color. I love them because I wore them when we got married.

3. Jeans by 7 For All mankind. I pick them up everywhere. My friend, Carla got me hooked on them but Debbie and I are addicted. They fit so awesome, and I can never find jeans that do.

Now, tag Andrea, Lavinia, and Pat

1 comment:

Stephie said...

I hate everything in my closet...except my running shoes. I love those!! They make me feel "light", my feet don't hurt, and I feel like I could run 100 miles in them!! Everything else...don't really love...