Friday, March 14, 2008

This is unbelievable - even for me! Last weekend I undertook a project: my closet. I have been hanging on to items for more than 10 years. Larry will clean out his closet at least once a year, sometimes more. Every time we move, my closet is the worst. I have so many clothes accumulated over the years. Everyone knows I am a clothes horse. I just buy things that are less trendy and a little more basic so I can wear them over and over and over again. Tacky this may be, but I love clothes, and lots of them. I have finally resigned myself to believing I am now 35 and a mom, it is no longer appropriate to wear short shorts and short skirts, and halter tops as attractive as it may be ;) - With that, I was able to get rid of 3 full boxes, and 9 large garbage bags full of clothes. That is a stinkin' lot of clothes. I did however, hold on to all of my pants since I am almost back in them! As I was going through each item, I would think: "Why and where the heck did I ever wear this?" or "What was I thinking when I bought this?" I also had about 25 items I had never even worn - tags in tact.


The BC Fam said...

that's alot of clothes! i wouldn't be able to fill that many garbage bags w/my whole wardrobe :) maybe i need to go shopping!

Anonymous said...

Torki, you failed to mention that you could pay off your house and both cars IF you sold your shoes....haha. I don't even know where to BUY shoes that cost $700! (My daughter does though!) I hope she remembers what a nice mom I was when she gets older!

The Amazing Mumfords said...

Wow! You could clothe the entire homeless population of Chicago! And think how stylish they would all be!:D