Monday, March 10, 2008

I have a little brother, not my baby brother, but he is the eldest of the little brothers. Although, neither of them at over 6 feet tall is very little. But as you can see, at one time, he was very little.

Todd - since infancy - has been in and out of the hospital for one reason or another. When he was very little, up to two years old the doctors thought he may have had leukemia. It turned out he did not. He was always pale and thin and lethargic and would not keep anything down. Hard to believe? Kidding. When he was in junior high he was in a rolling blading accident that he very nearly did not survive. He had several broken and crushed bones and was very mangled, as being wrapped around a pick-up truck tire would leave you. He had a broken femur for which he had a metal bar in for a very long time. Several years later, Todd was in the hospital with his friend Tom because of a 'work-out' thing, which again, he almost did not survive, since he was officially dead for about 8 minutes. When he was revived they thought he would be in a vegetative state, or mentally traumatized at the very least. He was not... well, dead anyway - mental is a different story... ha ha (my facts are probably not 100% accurate, but it's as I remember, and I may remember things a little more dramatically, because I am a drama queen).

Of course, all these do not include the many trips for 'other' things - please, he's a boy who played football and rugby in high school and college.

Most recently, Todd has been laid up with a shattered ankle (right?) and a busted up knee (left?). Bummer, huh? He fell on ice at a job-site, and drove himself to the hospital, he had to army crawl into the emergency room. A couple of weeks ago, he had surgery on his ankle because it was healing the wrong way and needed to be re broken, set correctly, and stabilized for healing with yet again, another bar.

I can't help but wonder - with all of these things - what is HIS purpose? I can't help but think he is destined for great things and at the very least, to touch and bless our lives, especially mine!


Unknown said...

That is all correct. Except for maybe how long he was dead for. On that one I think its Vinney who exaggerates. He says 15min DOA. But then again he was in the bathroom while they took Tom to the hospital and after ambulance left, then they found him. They really don't know how long he was DOA. He is a walking miracle. But I am not really sure how much longer he can keep up his nine lives. So, yes prayer helps ALOT. That boy lives on them. And thank you for all the Prayers we really feel them. Tori, you really are a wonderful sister to have.

Barb Elder said...

Wow! He must have a great work to do. I will keep him in my prays. I hope all is well with you. Tell your family Hi for me. When you come out to Utah come see me.

Anonymous said...


Your blog is simply LOVE---ly! Good girl for keeping it up!

And Dod is awesome! WE love you TODDY BODY

Pat said...

Tori, I love to read your blog. I never comment because I thought you might think I am weird. My kids call me the Stalker because I can read blog for hours. You have such a cute family. Your little boy is the cutest. Your husband looks so handsome and I hear he is wonderful.