Sunday, January 13, 2008

I see you in there!

We have two cats: 'Kita and Trini. Once Ethan started crawling Larry and I were faced with the prospect of Ethan getting into the litter box - and you can imagine what that means. We racked our brains to come up with some alternative. One day, Larry had an epiphany. We have a vent between the kitchen & the laundry room, but it's nothing - it's just an airspace with a vent cover. So, we took the vent off both sides, and Larry framed the opening. We put the litter boxes in there and the cats have been using it ever since. Whenever Larry or I disappear to either clean the litter boxes or do laundry, he knows to look there:

1 comment:

The BC Fam said...

What a cute little man! Aren't they fun? They do have their moments, though! :)