Sunday, January 31, 2010


A high school friend of mine has been reading and studying this book, and I happen to find it interesting as well. I took the basic test and was actually surprised but also not: - what color are you?

Congratulations, you are a RED.

red: 55.81%
blue: ??? %
yellow: ??? %
white: ??? %

Reds (Motive: Power)

reds are motivated by Power. They seek productivity and need to look good to others. Simply stated, reds want their own way. They like to be in the driver's seat and willingly pay the price to be in a leadership role. reds value whatever gets them ahead in life, whether it be in their careers, school endeavors, or personal life. What reds value, they get done. They are often workaholics. They will, however, resist doing anything that doesn't interest them.


The Amazing Mumfords said...

I can see Red, but man, I think you have all the positive's of Yellow too.

"M" Clan said...

RED- you go getter, why wait for life, you make life happen! :)