Saturday, November 29, 2008

So, I have finally given in to the pressure. I went to Target and threw some cheap things in a basket. This is the experimental year. I am just trying to see how everyone handles a tree. So, the tree is like, what, two feet tall, a sting of lights and a box of cheap glass ornaments... voila! It's sitting on the wine cabinet with the Christmas Village and already Kita is trying to eat the tree and the wires, and Ethan is trying to get the bulbs... sheesh! This is why! I have to admit, it is kind of fun and gets me in the Holiday spirit, but man, lights on the tree are a pain in the a.....!


Tolman Tribe said...

Yeah, can be a pain but like you said, gets you in the Holiday Spirit. Your tree looks awesome. Too bad you have cats. :-) Just kidding.

Brenda said...

Yeah, cats will wreak havoc, just keep a bottle of vinegar water handy so you can shoot them with it when they get frisky with the tree. That is actually pretty fun! We usually get a good laugh, especially when we are hiding and Summer thinks she has total access to the tree....then 'zap!' she gets a face full of vinegar water and she runs of yowling..ha ha! I also hear they now have shatterproof glass balls now. I think I will try it and if they don't work (on my tile floor..hmm) I will contact the company for my money back ;) btw - your tree looks awesome!

The Amazing Mumfords said...

Hey - it looks great - you definitely have a flair for decorating.

The BC Fam said...

It does get you in the mood, but I agree, it is a pain in the a....!!! Love it when it's done, but could someone just do it for us?

Anonymous said...

I knew you'd cave.....sentimentalist that you are :)

And when did you get a wine cabinet?????? Do you drink :O

tasha said...

LOVE the tree and village! All you need is a little Christmas music in the background! I don't know about the cats, kids can be trained...don't know about cats! Good luck!