Monday, August 11, 2008

Ethan says the darndest things...

Okay, so last week, we were at the doctor's office for Larry's foot. It's in a medical complex, which also houses our pediatric group. While Larry was in his appointment, I decided to stop in at the pediatrician and ask the nurses a quick question. A nurse greeted us with what appeared to be a temporary patch over his eye, Ethan saw this and proclaimed "Argh"! I tried to throw it off by saying, "yes, scary monster, roar" but he shook his head, swung his arm in true pirate fashion and said "argh" again. As if the nurse didn't hear him, and he was waiting for the pirate response. I immediately left, I'm sure red in the face, all the while Ethan swinging his arm and saying "argh".


Kellie said...

That is so funny! Kids do say the darndest things!

Brenda said...

Ha ha ha! Gotta love it. It's all great fodder for when we return the favor and embarrass the heck out of them when they are teenagers.;)