Friday, July 4, 2008

Am I expecting too much? Maybe I am, because Ethan will be 2 in September, and he is showing no interest in the toilet (except to read his Disney magazine on it... uh, what's the saying "like father, like son"?). I feel like he started doing a lot of things early - no bink, no bottles by 1, walking before 10 mos old, coloring since 9-10 mos... why not the toilet training? Argh!

The one thing I am actually looking forward to him doing on his own!

Any tips... anyone?


Anonymous said...

Ethan is a little to be potty training.....haha

Anonymous said...

...of COURSE both my kids were potty trainined before they were it is 'possible' - haha!

If he is interested....let him go!

The Ellington's said...

I just don't want my kid to be talking and walking around and 3 or 4 wearing diapers... that's gross.

Mrs. O said...

I hear ya on this one - my daughter will be 3 soon and she has barely an interest in being a 'big girl'

Stephie said...

My genius, Ben, was 3...he actually told us he'd NEVER use the toilet...but, luckily now that he's about to be 12, I no longer have to clean his crevices!! My girls were 2...GOOD LUCK!! (sorry, I think it's funny!!) :-)

Brenda said...

I got no clue for ya. All my boys so far trained at 3 1/2. Supposedly, boys take longer to develope control enough to make it possible. You just need a good dose of patience and a good sense of humor. =)