Thursday, February 28, 2008


Okay, so here it is - Ethan is finally in the bathtub, I mean IN it, not in his infant tub inside the tub, or the blow-up infant-to-toddler duck tub inside the tub, but IN the tub. He has been for a while now, but he slides all over the place. I have been on this mad search everywhere for the non-skid tub pads. I have a certain type in mind, and if you know me - you know I do not accept substitutes, however, I'm at that point. I have tried a few things - which are NOT working. I guess it's because the bottom of the tub is NOT smooth it has these so called (I'm doing air quotes) decorative ridges - blech! I want something cute and decorative (Ethan's bathroom is frogs), and something that Ethan will actually be attracted to and not freaked out by (If he thinks something is weird, he reacts the way I do - he sneers, squishes up his face, turns up his nose and slowly backs away). I currently have these suction cup puffy frogs. He says "bit bit", pulls them up with very little effort and throws them overboard. I have tried a full mat, but once the water is in, the suction cups release and the mat basically floats. I have also tried the very flat stickers that are bumpy, but it sort of scrapes his tush. I don't want anything that is permanently sticky because I don't want dirt and yuck to get under it, or even the thought that there could be body oils under there. Ick! I have been everywhere: Target, Babies R Us, Wal Mart, Home Depot, Lowes, and nothing, I check wherever I am. Whether it's the CVS pharmacy, or the convenience stores, I find I am obsessed. Maybe someone could help me? Also, I have no patience, so I do not want to order on-line. There has seriously got to be something I can buy IN a store...

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